Past Issues

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Issue #27 (May 2025)

Coming soon!

Issue #26 (March 2025)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: A Focus on Student Silence Research with Dat Bao (Senior Lecturer in Education at Monash University and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for Silence Studies in Education)

Theories In Practice: Help Using Technology-Mediated Tasks from Nicole Ziegler (Associate Professor of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Clarifying your Language Teacher Identify with Eric Ku (Associate Professor at Hokkaido University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: From Hesitation to Flow: How Timed Conversations Foster Natural Dialogue by Sandra Huynh at Kindai University

Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats: Bridging Western and Japanese Thinking by Allita Nagornaia at the English Language Education Council

Introducing Soft Power to Foster Intuitive Understanding of Global Interconnectedness by Pierre Allec at  Meikai University

Issue #25 (January 2025)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: Lessons from EdTech Hype: Jozef Colpaert on AI today (Emeritus Professor at the University of Antwerp)

Theories In Practice: Extensive Listening and Viewing Advice from Francisca Maria Ivone (Associate Professor at Universitas Negeri Malang)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Understanding English as a Lingua Franca with Paul McBride (Professor and Director at the Center for English as a Lingua Franca (CELF) at Tamagawa University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Developing Student Critical Thinking Skills Through an Activity on Relative Wealth by Nicole Ballard at Meiji Gakuin University

The Feedback Loop: Using Exit Tickets to Adjust Content for Student Needs by Martin Sedaghat at Niigata University of Health and Welfare

Developing Excel-Based Student Sorters to Optimize Mixing in Group Work by David LaHeist at Okayama University of Science

Issue #24 (November 2024) (click and read)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview about TBLT with Jane Willis (Author, Professor, Researcher and Recipient of the Distinguished Practitioner Award by IATBLT)

Theories In Practice: A.I.- Enhanced Language Education Advice from Gavin Bui (Associate Professor at The Hang Seng University, Hong Kong)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Adopting Peace Linguistics in the Classroom with Cheryl Woelk (Faculty Member at Eastern Mennonite University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: An Elimination-Skill Training Tool for the TOEIC Classroom by Nick Hallsworth at Seijoh University

Getting Students to Try New Phrases via Reading Marathon by Tekka Chang & Robert Moriarty at Meikai University

Crafting Jigsaw Tasks to Facilitate Interaction Among Low-Level Learners by Priya Carol J at The American College, India

Sentence Stress and Rhythm Practice to Improve English Lecture Note-Taking by David Cunliffe at Chiba University

Issue #23 (September 2024)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: Advice about Multilingual Practices from Alison Phipps (UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow and Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies)

Theories In Practice: Task-Based Language Teaching Guidance from Martin East (Professor of Language Education in the School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics, the University of Auckland)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Teaching ‘Brilliantly’ to Support Learners with Jenning Prevatte (Associate Professor of Teacher Education)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Teaching Critical Thinking, Analytical and Writing Skills through Eco-Social Issues by Vanesa Polastri at English Language Teachers’ Training College 41, Buenos Aires

Using Flippity to Spark Interactions in Post-Covid University Classes by William Travers at British Council Japan

My Dictionary: A Vocabulary and Grammar Building Strategy by Jeevanath Devkota at The Japan College of Social Work

From Canvas to Composition: Infusing Art into English Academic Writing by Michael DeCesare at Meiji Gakuin University

Issue #22 (July 2024)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: Considering Foreign Language Learner Emotions with Jean-Marc Dewaele (Honorary Professor at University College London and Emeritus Professor at Birkbeck, University of London

Theories In Practice: Applying Reflective Practice with Thomas Farrell (Professor at Brock University, Canada)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Translanguaging Strategies from María Teresa Martínez García (Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, Asia campus)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Teaching Project Management through Creating SDGs Lesson Plans by Marc Jones at Toyo University

Teaching Persuasive Presentation Skills with Television Commercial Scripts by Allan Goodwin at Asia University

Listening to Learn: The Implementation of Extensive Listening Records by Gary Robert at The British Council

Applying Debate Principles to Enhance ESL Student Contributions by Seth Demian Masters at Kindai University

Issue #21 (May 2024)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview about Writing Practices with Jim McKinley and Mai Oyama (University College London)

Theories In Practice: Help with Flipped Learning from Adrian Leis (Professor at Tohoku Gakuin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Learning to Teach Through the Eyes of Students with Eileen Ariza (Professor at Florida Atlantic University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Video Assignments, Machine Translation, and AI: Using Videos to Aid Student Understanding by Jonathan Isaacson at Tohoku Fukushi University

Scaffolding Activities to Engage Students and Give them Agency by Donna Fields at Universidad de Jaén, Spain

More Engaging Discussions with Student-Created and Evaluated Questions by John Rucynski at Okayama University

Co-Constructing Ground Rules for the Use of Generative AI by Chak Man Chit Steven at Sophia University

Issue #20 (March 2024)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: Using A.I. to Support Language Learning with Brent Warner (Professor at Irvine Valley College)

Theories In Practice: Social-Emotional Learning Advice from Luis Javier Pentón Herrera (Professor at Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie, Poland)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Tips for Creating Cultural Inclusive TBLT from Rhonda Oliver (Professor at Curtin University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: A Procedure for Scaffolding Discussions to Break the Cycle of Classroom Silence by Clay H. Williams at Akita International University

Using ChatGPT to Illustrate the Limitations of ChatGPT by Freddie Ryder at The University of Kent

A Critical Thinking Activity for Evaluating Misinformation in the News by Nicole Ballard at Meiji Gakuin University

Exploring Culture with Language Learners Using the IMAGE Model by Wenjing Huang

Generating Autonomous Learning with Textbook Sheets by David Stepanczuk at Osaka Metro University

Issue #19 (January 2024)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview with Sue Garton (Professor at Aston University)

Theories In Practice: Task-Based Assessment with Marcos Benevides (Associate Professor at J. F. Oberlin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Tips on How to Deal with Teacher Burnout from George Whitehead (Lecturer at The University of British Colombia)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: A Framework to Increase Student Participation in Mixed Ability ESL Classes by Seth Masters at Kindai University

“Yes..and”: Using Improv Comedy's Guiding Technique to Empower Language Learners by Sean Rector at Nanzan Gakuen

Videos as Reciprocal Reinforcement in Vocabulary Acquisition by Brian English at Tama University

Creating an Inclusive ESL Classroom: Strategies for Multilevel Learner Success by Rod Franklin Caldwell at Kanagawa University

Issue #18 (November 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview with Drew Fagan (2023 TESOL Teacher of the Year, Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Maryland)

Theories In Practice: Inquiry-Based Learning Advice from Thomas Fast (Associate Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Bringing Humor to the Classroom with Miranda Crowhurst (Marketing Manager at Twinkl)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Flipped Classroom Strategies to Engage Students more in Group Discussions by Nicole Sonobe at Nishikyushu University

Learning Subject-Specific Vocabulary: Helping Students Get Started by Peter Bailey at BPP University (London)

Time Management Tasks: Helping ESL Students Navigate University Life by Kea Mmope

Needs Analysis: A Training Workshop for ELT Professionals by Martin Cooke at International Trade Institute (TAITRA), Taiwan

Issue #17 (Sept 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview with Gary Pathare (EFL Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Examiner and Author)

Theories In Practice: Supporting Learner Autonomy with Louise Ohashi (Associate Professor at Gakushuin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Deepening Learning Through Aesopian Fables with Robert Long (Professor at Kyushu Institute of Technology)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Designing Grammar Activities to Facilitate Collaboration and Critical Thinking by Julian Joseph Colón at New York University Steinhardt

Using the Metaphorical Mirror Exercise for a Reflection of Values by Deanna Bradford at Musashino University

Pocket Journals for Promoting Writing Competency by Timothy Ang at Kwansei Gakuin University

Helping Students Express Ideas through Content-Based Instruction by Dr. Sreerakuvandana at Jain Deemed-to-be University

Issue #16 (July 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview with George Jacobs (University of Malaya, University of Santo Tomas, international author and vice president of Kampung Senang Charity and Education Foundation)

Theories In Practice: Virtual Reality Classroom Advice from Euan Bonner (Centre for Learning and Teaching Innovation (LTI), Kanda University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Study Abroad Confidence Building with Simon Humphries (professor and director of study-abroad partner negotiations for the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies at Kansai University)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Description Exercises to Improve Fluency and Use of Vocabulary by Heather Dixon at The University of Shimane

Using a R.A.F.T. Writing Task to Encourage Creative and Critical Thinking by Wenjing Huang

Supporting Low-Level English Learner Interaction with Name Card Activities by Mark Feeley

Using Flip Chart Presentations to Facilitate the Learning of Advanced English Grammar by Pervaiz Yaseeni at Nangarhar University

Issue #15 (May 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An Interview with John Hughes (ESL author, publisher and teacher trainer)

Theories In Practice: Cooperative Learning Advice from Joël Laurier (lecturer at Keio University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Practicing Mindfulness with Chiyuki Yanase (Tokyo-based lecturer and wellbeing expert)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Motivating Writing Classes Through Interactions with Big Brands by Richard Thomas Ingham at the British Council, Japan

Using Chat Apps to Promote Listening and Speaking Outside of the Classroom by George Loetter at Hoseo University, South Korea

Boosting English, Critical Thinking and Research Skills with a Solar System Project by Rouhollah Heidaribeni at Tuzla Fen University, Istanbul

Engaging Late-Coming Students in Online Classes by Defne Akıncı Midas at Middle East Technical University

Issue #14 (March 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: From Prescriptions to Principles with William (Bill) Littlewood (Professor Emeritus at the Hong Kong Baptist University)

Theories In Practice: Advice about Nurturing Learner Cognitive Control from Curtis Kelly (former Professor at Kansai University and founder of the JALT Mind, Brain, and Education SIG)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Focusing on Character Strengths with James McIntyre-Ure (specialist in teacher wellbeing and positive psychology in a language teaching environment)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: The Chat Posting Activity: Encouraging Genuine Communication Between Classmates by Arthur Ford at Hosei University

Teaching Research Skills to ESP Students Through Adapted Reading Texts by Dr. Stella Giorgou Tzampazi at the University of Bedfordshire

Advising in Language Learning: Transferability to the Classroom by Tom Ashton at Kanda University

Scaffolding Student Motivation through Tiktok Videos by Dr. Milind M.Ahire at MGV Arts, Science and Commerce College

Issue #13 (January 2023)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An interview with Diane Nagatomo (Experienced Teacher and Specially Appointed Advisor to the President of Ochanomizu University)

Theories In Practice: Advice for Teaching and Learning Vocabulary from Charles Browne (Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL and creator of the EFL Teacher Training Program at Meiji Gakuin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Active Drawing Meditation with Emily Bryson (Author, Teacher Educator, Graphic Facilitator, Visual recorder and ESOL Lecturer)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Story Time: Designing Workshops to Encourage Longer Speaking Turns Among Students by Christopher P. Phelps at Otemon Gakuin University

Starting from the Basics when Addressing Sentence Fragments for Japanese University Students by Nicole Ballard at Meiji Gakuin University

Translanguaging to Support the Learning Process in EFL Classrooms by Maria Flordeliza Penafiel at Salesio Polytechnic College

A Low-Stress Interactive Presentation Activity in the Classroom by Chris Huang at Nagoya University of the Arts

Issue #12 (November 2022)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An interview with Willy Renandya (Author, Presenter and Principal Lecturer at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Theories In Practice: Thinking about Critical Thinking from Andy Boon (Professor at Toyo Gakuen University) and Gregory Hadley (Professor at Niigata University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Advice about keeping a teacher's energy diary from Maria Glazunova (ESL teacher, Language Coach, Author and Speaker from Ukraine)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Structured Peer Editing Worksheets for University Writing Courses by Robert Edick at The English Language Education Council Inc

Using Linking Practices in Speaking Lessons to Improve Student Comprehensibility by Eric Roslansky at Kindai University, Japan

Appreciating Nature and Poetry Through Creative Writing by Augustín Sokol at Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Video Exchange Projects for Basic-Level Language Learners by Nami Takase at Shizuoka University, Japan

Issue #11 (September 2022)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An interview with Maria Guajardo (Professor, Dean, and Vice-President at Soka University)

Theories In Practice: Global Competence advice from Wayne Malcolm (JALT Director of Program and Assistant Professor at Fukui University of Technology)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Advice about learner preferences and wellbeing from Marjorie Rosenberg (Author and Past President of IATEFL)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Talent and Ability: An Engaging Activity to Develop Classroom Relationships by Lisa Borowok at Kyoto Sangyo University

Effective Teaching of Environmental Issues in the EFL Classroom by Jeff Morrow at Prefectural University of Kumamoto

Equitable Assessment of PowerPoint Presentations Using Asynchronous Video Assignments by Akihiro Saito at Tokyo University of Science

Ideas for Interactive Writing Classes by Sam Keith at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Issue #10 (July 2022)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An interview with David Deubelbeiss (Professor, Author, Teacher Trainer and Educational Consultant)

Theories In Practice: Extensive Reading advice from Rob Waring (Professor Emeritus at Notre Dame Seishin University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Advice for using wellbeing journals from Mick Walsh (Leading Wellbeing and Resilience Author)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Index Cards for Improving Student Seating, Pandemic Policies, and Engagement by Eric Roslansky at Kindai University

Empowering Young Women with Flexible Online English Literacy Education by Shirley Tan at Nagoya University and Raheleh Akhavi Zadegan at The University of Tehran

Teaching Critical Thinking to Chinese-L1 Masters-Level Students in an Academic Skills Context by James Lamont at The University of York

A Method for Selecting Motivated Students for Elective Classes by Stella Yamazaki at Hosei University

Teacher Fatigue: Combining Learning Objects and Self-Tests to Free Yourself From Redundancy by David Stepanczuk at Osaka Municipal University

Issue #9 (May 2022)

Expert Advice:

Words Of Wisdom: An interview with Kevin Ryan (Retiring Professor from Showa Women’s University)

Theories In Practice: TBLT advice from Paul Leeming (Professor at Kindai University)

Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Advice for managing daily stress from Heather Johnston (Communication coach and TEFL expert)

Teaching Articles:

Feature Article: Introducing Can-Do Assessment to Visualize Achievement and Enhance Motivation in English Reading Classes by Yuka Jibiki at Showa Women’s University

Engaging Classes More With Mini-Lessons: Teach The Teacher by Alyson Galea at TAFE NSW

A Competitive Vocabulary Learning Activity to Motivate Students In and Outside of the Classroom by Tekka Chang at Nihon University

Developing Asynchronous Academic Oral Presentations with English for Specific Purposes Students by Pervaiz Yaseeni at Kabul University of Medical Sciences

Issue #8 (March 2022)

Feature Article: Grammar Acquisition in Synchronous EAP Writing Classes by Michael Yosef at Sophia University

Activities to Identify First Language Interference on English Pronunciation by Cem Yucel at The Address Education Center

Fostering Interaction in the Online Learning Environment by Entusiastik at Universitas Islam Kadiri

Using Breakout Rooms for Online Debates by Sara Matlack at Columbia College

Issue #7 (February 2022)

Feature Article: Improving Classroom Atmosphere in ESL/L2 Online-Hyflex Classes by Dagmar Kunst at Keio University and Deryk Cameron Bliss at Showa Women's University

Improving English Language Learners’ Pronunciation Through Reflective Learning by Kyla Noble at Sophia University

Implementation and Importance or Reader Response in the English for Medical Purposes Context by Pervaiz Yaseeni at Kabul University of Medical Sciences

Classroom Management by Shyla Chavan at The University of Auckland

Issue #6 (January 2022)

Feature Article: Bringing Students to Gather Town: An Online Platform for Language Learning by Dr Christa de Brún at Waterford Institute of Technology

Academic and Creative Writing Projects with Technology-Assisted Mind Maps by Dr Graham R Smith at Washington Language School, Azerbaijan

Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skills by Using an Active Listening Strategy by Zarrina Salieva at Samarkand state institute of foreign languages, Uzbekistan

A Spoonful of Context Makes the Grammar Go Down by Andrew Rossiter

Issue #5 (December 2021)

Feature Article: BORs: A Blessing in Disguise for the Online English Language Classroom by Punit Nitin Kawathekar at ELTIS, Pune, India

Encouraging University Students to Extend English Discussions through Follow-up Questions by Jennifer Nihongi

COVID Carryovers: Taking the Benefits of Technology Back to the Physical Classroom by Justin Mejia at Nanzan University

Teaching Listening and Writing Skills Through Song-Lyric Activities by Stanley M Stephen at American College

Issue #4 (October 2021)

Feature Article: Language Learning Through a Cross-Classroom Collaboration Project by May J. Nakatsuka at Soka University

Tips and Skills for Better Online Presentations by C.J. Marks at Konan University

Using Real-Time Online Exercises to Encourage Independent Writing by Alyson Galea at TAFE

Engaging University Students in Online Classes with Dictation Activities by R. Arthur Ford at Hosei University

Issue #3 (September 2021)

Feature Article: Teaching Presentation Classes using FlipGrid by Abigail Capitin-Principe at Nanzan University

Short, Authentic Online Content to Facilitate Greater Participation from University Students by Ferghal McTaggart at Chiba University

Improving Speaking Practice with YouTube Videos by Hall Houston at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences

Demonstrative Speech: A Successful Online Activity to Motivate University Students by Nausheen Ayesha Khan at Soka University

Making Academic Discussions More Interesting by Mark Feeley at Lakeland University

Issue #2 (August 2021)

Feature Article: Using Padlet and Breakout Rooms to Promote Collaboration Online by Heather Austin at Izmir University of Economics

Making English Learning More Enjoyable through Team-Produced Video Projects by Frank Carbullido at I-ERAI Educational Consulting

Helping Students with Pronunciation through Listening by Ed Zaplaski at Gradus Coaching

Creating a Safe Environment for Anxious Freshmen Speakers by Zoha Seddighi at Shiraz University of Technology

Priming Student Motivation with a Quality Classroom Participation Rubric by David Stepanczuk at Osaka Metropolitan University 

Issue #1 (June 2021)

An Online Business Start-Up Project to Motivate University Students by Robert Stroud at Hosei University

Using Online Tools to Assess Presentations in University Hybrid Classes by Stephen Harris at Hosei University